Mail Management: Does Your Business Need a Mailroom?
If your business is striving and growing, your mailing and shipping requirements probably are too. As a startup or small one-room business, you might have had a secretary handle your mailing and shipping needs. You might have even handled the task of managing mail yourself. However, if shipping has become a more vital component of your business, or if you find yourself spending a substantial amount of your budget on shipping functions, it might be time to look into adding a dedicated mailroom and a mail management solution to your operation.
Growing shipping needs come with a range of problems.
If shipping and managing mail has become a major element in your business’s day to day operations, there’s a chance that you’ve already run into some snags. Some of those snags may have even led to a loss in productivity and profitability. We’ll cover a few of those issues below, and if any of them sound familiar you may definitely be ready to add a mail management solution to your operation.
One of the biggest and most damaging challenges that come about as a result of an underequipped mail management system is lost mail and packages. There’s an obvious financial loss with trying to track down and resend missing mail and packages, but the damage to your brand image can be even worse. Not only will a customer be less likely to do business with you again in the future, but they may spread the word to others that your shipping department is less than professional. That kind of negative customer review can have a major impact on future business.
A disorganized mailing department with more volume than it can handle and no mail management solution in place will have a difficult time getting packages sent off in a timely manner. Delays in sending mail and packages can have the same kind of negative effects that lost mail can have. If the material is time sensitive you may end up spending a LOT to expedite (e.g. overnight) a package to a recipient. Furthermore, not getting a piece of mail or a package to a recipient can result in that same kind of negative customer feedback that can really harm your company’s image.
If you haven’t seriously looked into a mail management solution for your company there’s a chance that you don’t have a tracking system in place. Problems with tracking and delivering packages to recipients can result in an uncomfortable uncertainty, leaving you wondering if your package is actually going to arrive on time. The problem with not being able to track your mail is that you won’t know if the item is delayed or lost until it’s too late. At that point, you find yourself in yet another one of the pitfalls we’ve already discussed. A solid tracking solution will allow you to see problems ahead of time, which will hopefully give you the opportunity to take appropriate steps so that a minor issue doesn’t become a huge one.
A company without a dedicated mail management system may inadvertently mishandle mail and packages. This can sometimes result in additional charges if a carrier has to repackage your mail. More likely, the carrier will send the package back to you to repackage, resulting in a loss of time and additional shipping costs. Worst yet, if a recipient actually receives a package from you and the contents are damaged as a result of your company’s mishandling, the results can be even more damaging. As with many of the other challenges we’ve mentioned so far, you could potentially lose an existing customer and future customers as well through bad reviews.
More mail management tips:
IMpb Compliance: Do You Need a Barcode?
Reduce Shipping Mistakes with a Central Address Database
As you can see, a company without a dedicated mail management solution can experience a plethora of customer service problems. These issues can result in additional shipping costs, productivity problems, declining customer satisfaction and a loss of business. The good news is that there are solutions out there and we’ll cover those in a moment. But first…
How do I know if it’s time for me to add a mailroom/mail management department to my operation?
Here are some tips for determining if it’s time for your company to add a mail management solution. The key to determining whether or not your company needs a dedicated mailroom or mail management solution is to conduct an honest assessment of your shipping practices and needs. Tally up all of the expenses associated with shipping and set that figure aside for a moment, now ask yourself the following questions:
- How vital is shipping to my company and bottom line?
- How much mail does my shipping team handle daily (both incoming and outgoing)?
- How much money do I spend annually on shipping?
- How many employees are currently involved in the shipping process?
- Have I received any negative feedback from customers regarding how my company handles shipping?
- How would I improve my shipping and handling methods?
- How long does it take my team each day to handle shipping issues?
- Is my shipping efficient?
The answers to all of these questions will make it pretty obvious whether or not you need to step up your shipping department. It may require hiring or promoting a dedicated shipping supervisor. There are also some mail management software and equipment solutions that can help resolve some of the issues we’ve covered, and the SendPro solution from Pitney Bowes is one of the best.
You don’t have to take our word on that, though. Check out this Shipping Solutions Comparison Checklist that details the capabilities of all shipping software and equipment.
How can technology help solve my mail management concerns?
The SendPro solution can actually help you reduce your shipping costs by comparing the rates across all major carriers, ensuring that you’re getting the most affordable shipping option every time you send a package. Plus, SendPro makes tracking your packages a breeze, even if you’re using multiple carriers, by consolidating all tracking numbers in one location so you’ll know where every package is at a glance.
The SendPro solution can also enhance your mail management procedures by providing some physical equipment that’s designed to make your life easier. With certain SendPro options, you’ll also get an integrated scale that will accurately weigh all packages and input the data directly into the software. From there you can use a dedicated printer or metering equipment to automatically print accurate and professional looking shipping labels, saving you time and money while also increasing the professionalism of your company’s shipping activities.
If you’re experiencing challenges with your company’s shipping needs you’re not alone. It usually means that your business is growing and that’s a good thing. However, if left alone those shipping concerns can multiply and grow in severity. A good mail management solution can help alleviate those concerns and help transform your company’s mail management department into one of the most well-oiled components of your operation.
We hope these mail management tips have been helpful! Feel free to reach out to the experts at Superior Office Systems if you have more questions.